課程名稱: (2)英語fun鬆學-長青學苑 課程編號: 241254
招生狀態: 額滿 優惠類別: (2)
授課校區: 康寧會館 是否新課程:
授課日期: 週三上午 開課日期: 113.3.6
附加費: 冷氣費200元 上課時間: 10:00-12:00AM
學程歸屬: 語文學習 類別: 國際語文
授課講師: 胡梅 線上報名:


講師簡歷: 旅居美國 22年,美國聯邦政府能源部(Department of Energy) 南德州核廠 製圖設計師 (10年) 美國台灣留學生英語暨生活輔導老師 (3年) 東山國小英語教師英語,南港社區大學講師(5年), 內湖社大講師(15年)
課程影片: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZOrMPQvmBw&feature=youtu.be
課程理念: 學習生活上實際實用的句子和句型。使學員能順暢用英語表達想表達的意思。 學員的互動練習彼此學習和激勵學習的趣味
課程目標: 在生活上盡可能練習將想說的話用英語表達出來,建立信心不再對說英語產生懼怕
教學方式: 採用最實用多元化的教材,課文朗誦,發音和腔調指導,重視課堂中互動對話練習。
成績評量: 以出席率,課堂參與度及自我表現為評量基準
選課要求: 國中以上對英文有興趣者
推薦書目: Surpass 1 敦煌書局
招生限額: 30名
學費: 學分費2000元。(凡影印講義,請由班代表於班內自行決議辦理。)
材料費用: $480




受疫情影響無法實體上課時: 2.改為線上教學

第一週 相見歡,自我介紹,國籍
Nice to meet you. where are you from? Nationalities
第二週 what do people call you? where are you from Listening and speaking
You can call me Tina I am from Germany She is from France
第三週 "Listening and speaking countries in the world 國名與國籍的不同"
How do you spell your first name? Mike is short for Michael shorten names sound friendly
第四週 Listening and speaking Get to know shorten names
疑問句,肯定句,否定句的練習 ask questions to get the missing information
第五週 Listening and speaking College studies international club
Welcome new students from all over the world. China has many good places to visit
第六週 Listening and speaking What kind of good food should I try in Japan
Listen and complete the sentences what places should I visit in Peru Famous historical sites
第七週 Listening and speaking How to read you own phone number
作業練習: 聽,寫,說
第八週 Listening and speaking dialog excise
Practice conversation with a hotel front desk with a partner
第九週 現代公民學程週
第十週 Listen and complete the sentences 複習,學一首英文歌曲
Review and learn a new English song
第十一週 Listen and complete the sentences Different jobs in the community
All different jobs and their work contents  各種工作和其工作項目
第十二週 Listen and complete the sentences 所有格文法
writing and speaking practice talk about your dream job
第十三週 writing and speaking practice New job for Robots
What can a Robot do for you? Self-driving delivery Robots
第十四週 Listen and complete the sentences What kind of jobs can Robots have
Imagine you have a Robot and what do you want it to do for you?
第十五週 Listen and complete the sentences Who's in your family?
Make your own family tree Do you have a big family?
第十六週 Listen and complete the sentences
Writing and speaking about your family How many siblings do you have
第十七週 Listen and complete the sentences Family reunion
How often do you have a family reunion? Talk about your family reunion
第十八週 Listen and complete the sentences